
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Web Design Essentials to Attract More Visitors

It’s not enough to simply own and operate a website; it’s essential to make it as visually appealing as possible while taking its technical aspects into consideration. To rake in more visitors, it’s important for your website to have the following to ensure that you’re giving prospective visitors a worthwhile experience.

The Importance of Content

Content is, and will remain to be, king, and it could contribute to the overall visual appeal of your website. Posting relevant and interesting content can attract more visitors, and even more if your website is direct to the point. Keep in mind, though, not to cram content on a single page. Opt instead for content that’s easy to read, with letters that are not too big and not too small.

Easy Navigation

Another factor that contributes to a user’s overall experience is your website’s overall architecture. Ideally, your visitors should be able to easily navigate your website without overwhelming them with too many tabs and links leading to the information they need. Again, simplicity is key, and a complicated website could lead to a higher bounce rate.

Faster Loading Speed

It’s increasingly important to provide your visitors the information they need in an instant, since most people are more likely to leave a website if it doesn’t load within a few seconds. This is one of the more technical aspects your website has to work on, and ensure that all pages on your website will load at an optimal speed.

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